Tulsa public schools teacher handbook

Students may check out three items unless given permission by library staff to borrow more. Books are checked out for two weeks and may be renewed once. Items on hold by another student/teacher may NOT be renewed.


Students are responsible for materials checked out in their names.

Replacement cost will be charged for lost or damaged books. Students owing fees will lose checkout privileges and receive a hold on grades at the end of the grading periods.


Printing is monitored and expected to be minimal.


Students must present a valid “pink” pass upon entering the library during class time. The pass must be completed in full and signed by the teacher from whose class the student is coming.

All students should have a definite work assignment spelled out in writing either attached to the pass or as a student handout. Individual passes from substitute teachers will not be accepted unless previously approved by library staff.

Students with valid ID may use the library without a pass during lunch periods.


All students are expected to follow the rules as set forth in the Tulsa Public School Students’ Rights and Responsibilities Handbook.