Directions to the clothes school in westmoreland tennessee

Welcome to Westmoreland High School, w here spirit, pride, and tradition are the bywords of a school in which the entire community takes pride! WHS has been serving the students and families of northern Sumner County since the 1930s. Over the years, the students have excelled in both academic and extracurricular activities. We are exceptionally proud of our continuous commitment to the improvement of student learning.

Located in rural Westmoreland, Tennessee, WHS is the best-kept secret of Sumner County. Our student population is approximately 580 students with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1.

Our community is one that provides support and encouragement to all areas of our endeavors, and its support contributes greatly to the success of our students. We desire to continue our commitment to excellence in education; yet, we recognize that our students must be prepared to meet challenges far different from students in the past. It is with this attitude that we at Westmoreland High School understand the need for and commit ourselves to answering the challenges of the twenty-first century.

Pursuing academic excellence, developing personal motivation, and inspiring continued learning endeavors in preparation for the opportunities of tomorrow.

Sumner County Schools commits to growing learners who are college and career ready through quality instruction, effective use of resources, building a collaborative culture, and strong leadership.