Slide Rule Library
Main Desk
Archive of Books, Manuals, Instructions and Ephemera

Note: Access to the digital Library is temporarily disabled as we create a shop to sell our Duplicate books and manuals. to assist us in downsizing our storage space. Most all of these publications are found in our ISRM preservation reprint series shown below.

MAIN DESK - Categories, Sections of the Digital Library:

General - All purpose, Circular, Addiators, Specialty and Aviation/Military Slide rules
Books - Text and Reference Books, Instruction, History, New In Print
USA - Manuals for Sterling, Acu-Math, Bruning, Fullerton, Lawrence, Richardson, Charvoz-Roos, etc.
Russia/China - Manuals for Soviet Era and Chinese Slide rules.
Japan - Manuals for Relay, Ricoh, Hemmi, Fuji, Lafayette, S.I.C., Concise Etc.
British/Australia - Manuals for Thornton, Unique, BRL, W&G, etc.
Europe/S.A. - Faber-Castell, Aristo, Graphoplex, Diwa, Deeva, Archimedes, Plastograf, IWA, etc.
Pickett - Manuals for Pickett Slide rules
Post - Manuals for Frederick Post slide rules (also Hemmi)
K&E - Manuals for Keuffel & Esser slide rules
Dietzgen - Manuals for Dietzgen slide rules
Catalogs - Retail catalogs, Brochures and Advertisements of slide rules
Calculators - Manuals for Electronic Slide Rule Calculators
ISRM Library Reprints - All the manuals combined in hardcopy books and on Kindle.