Archival Processing: Worksheets & Forms


This form is used to describe new collections or additions to existing collections, as well as to apply a rating to the material to aid in establishing processing priorities.

This form contains all of the information the Processing Archivist needs to assemble your finalized finding aid. Please fill this out as completely as possible once processing is complete.

The sheets in this file are helpful for keeping track of processing activities. One worksheet tracks time spent on various activities. There are also sheets to note preservation concerns or items that should be digitized. These should be used whenever possible, and especially by student workers.

This worksheet will help processors write better scope and contents notes for the collections. There is also an entry for the arrangement note.

This form will aid you in the initial steps of surveying a collection and forming a preliminary processing plan. This is especially helpful for larger collections, but processing of any collection can be aided by proper planning.

Separation sheet for use when permanently or temporarily removing items from a collection. This simple time sheet can be used for tracking processing times. This excel file can be used to more easily create an EAD-encoded contents list for a finding aid.

This excel file can be used to more easily create an EAD-encoded contents list for a finding aid. This version contains less fields and may be easier for students to use.

Form to be submitted to Conservation to address issues like mold, water damage, bugs, flattening, special housing, repair, and other issues.

Form to be submitted to Digital Support Services (DSS) for digitization projects. Should be accompanied by a Digitization Metadata Template.

Form to be submitted to Digital Support Services (DSS) for digitization projects. Should be accompanied by a Scanning Information Form.