Courses & Requirements

Students are responsible for fulfilling the degree requirements of their respective departments, in addition to the requirements of HCC.

HCC Requirements*

10 Credits total consisting of the following:
*Pass/fail option is fine. No audit option.

Elective Courses that meet HCC Requirements

The following courses meet the 7.5 credit Health Communication Concentration (HCC) requirement. Please note that credits listed on this page reflect the credit system of the school offering the course; be sure to use the credit conversion resource in my.Harvard to ensure that your chosen electives are equivalent to at least 7.5 HSPH credits.

Harvard School of Public Health

Harvard School of Education

Harvard Kennedy School

Recommended Methods Courses

HCC students are strongly recommended to take one of the following recommended courses as they will provide complementary skills. They do not count towards the HCC 10-credit requirement.

Examples of Thematic Grouping of Health Communication Courses

The following examples show how the required courses in HCC may form a coherent theme. This is meant to serve as an illustration of how students could select courses to form a theme based on content, focus, skill sets, and/or communication media. You will notice repetition in the list as many courses address different themes.

Communications for Behavior Change

Communications for Health Policy

Communications for Health Management

Communications for Community Organizing

Public Health and the Press

What recognition does the student receive upon completion of the concentration?

Upon graduation, the degree will be issued from the home department and the student receives a letter from the HCC Steering Committee attesting to completion of the HCC concentration requirements.

Please contact the HCC Coordinator if you have questions.