I-5200, The Penalty Start Date

When multiple transfers occur during the look-back period in such a way that the penalty period for each transfer overlaps, treat the transfers as a single event. The uncompensated values are lumped together and divided by the average daily rate for a private-pay individual in a nursing facility. Start the penalty period with the first day of the month of medical effective date (MED), if the individual meets all other eligibility criteria.

Under post-DRA transfer of assets policy, the issue of "overlapping" penalties on applications will not occur since all transfers during the look-back period are lumped together and started with the first day of the month of MED, if the individual meets all other eligibility criteria.

I-5221 Multiple Transfers Example

Revision 13-4; Effective December 1, 2013

File DateJan. 2, 2013
Look-Back Period60 months, December 2012 through January 2008
Date of Transfer1) Nov. 1, 2008 and 2) Dec. 10, 2008
Value of Transfer1) $5,000 and 2) $8,000
Medical effective dateJan. 1, 2013
Penalty Start DateJan. 1, 2013

When multiple transfers occur during the look-back period in such a way that the penalty period for each transfer overlaps, treat the transfers as a single event. The uncompensated values are lumped together and divided by the average daily rate for a private-pay individual in a nursing institution. Total of $13,000 ÷ $156.34 = 83 days. Penalty period begins Jan. 1, 2013, and runs through March 24, 2013.

I-5230 Reported Changes and Redeterminations

Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009

Reported Changes

If a penalty period ends and a subsequent transfer occurs, a new penalty period is established effective the month of the subsequent transfer. This means there may be a gap between penalty periods. Follow procedures below for notice, restitution and closing vendor payments.


When a current Medicaid recipient transfers an asset, the penalty start date begins on the first day of the transfer month, if the transfer occurs later than the date of application. As a result, there may be a gap between penalty periods.

Example: A 365-day penalty begins Jan. 1 and ends Dec. 31. The following April another transfer is made, resulting in a 306-day penalty that begins April 1 and ends Jan. 31 of the following year.

When a transfer is reported, do not retroactively impose the penalty. If a penalty period is imposed on an individual who is already eligible for Medicaid, provide the adverse action notice and inform the recipient about the undue hardship exception. Request restitution for retroactive months, unless potential fraud, abuse or exploitation are involved. Follow Section H-8300, Restitution, and Section C-6000, Fraud and Fair Hearings, for fraud referrals. Follow procedures as outlined in Appendix XXIII, Procedure for Designated Vendor Number to Withhold Vendor Payment.

I-5231 Changes and Redetermination Examples

Revision 09-4; Effective December 1, 2009